When you're for preparing for the wedding plans, you are suddenly faced with the fact that the prospective husband decided affair. In fact, you feel so confident that it will happen, and so want to be with her life. Usully, the little that made women become reluctant to continue the trigger man in a marriage relationship. So, what unconsecious habits that can make him go away?
If you have not got answer, let consider some of the problem.
1. Like Comparing
There are no perfect human being from nature and behavior. If the couple has shortcomings, not fitting you always compare hom with another man, even if you do not mean to hurt her. Men have higher ego of women. When you compare it with another man, he will be disappointed. Especially if you compare it with ex-lover. Could be, his love lost because you make him feel completely unacctable. Even worse, the couple felt worthless in front of you.
2. Men Are Not Puppets
There was a man who does not like to set her partner. Clearly, he is not a doll figure that can easily push your heart and mind. Especially if you've dared to organize daily schedules arbitrarily, without asking for consideration. When you are happy to set the pair as they pleased, he would feel more constrained freedom and pride has been trampled. No wonder if he was a lot of scheming to avoid all the rules you create. For that, it would be wise if you provide the opportunity for couples to melakoni life choices. That way, you do not give the impression, he is a puppet.
If there is a problem in the fabric of love you both, maybe you often blame bad character or a mistake she had made. Too quick to accuse, and judge can make a man of emotions. Even worse when couples do not assume you already believe. If you have this, could-be couples start out facing his patience limit your attitude. And do not be surprised, when he suddenly walked away from your side.
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