Sunday, December 13, 2009


If we are talikng about Google a search engine that is not familiar to us, I don`t think we are talking about the endeless power Of Google. Facilities given to us for our convenience in accessing the internet around quite extraordinary amenities.

But we very rarely is there the potential to Google it. Especially when we know the new one with the virtual world (internet), has confirmed many don't know about the power of Google. For that I tried to peel thoroughly about the power of Google in my article entitled "Google Secrets". I hope my writing this does not violate the rules that have been created by the Google system. And also hopefully fellow netter newly familiar with the internet can understand the text (artcile) I wrote this.

This paper, I do it step by step so that the reader can follow or understand what I give completely dismantle excess Google. There are dozens of articles I will make hopefully very helpful for you all.

Well, for the first step you can see the article below to find out the contents of the article you just click on the text.

1. Search complate sentence
2. Search focus on a specific domain
3. Search focus on the restriction number
4. Finding information popluation
5. Looking for date of birth and death of fomous figures
6. Finding a place of birth and death of famous figures
7. Finding the definition of term
8. Finding files with specfic formats
9. Search by adding the word "OR"

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