Wednesday, April 14, 2010

whether the blogger's

Already many of the bloggers who talk about is ablog "but it never hurts me to discuss again about the blogger to the readers better understand and more clearly.

Before we make a blog we should fierst discuss the meaning of the blog. Beginning of a blog web blog, You can use blogs for everything from updating your friends and family about your life, giving your own advice column, discussing your political views, or relating your experince in a topic of interest. Can you host multiple blogs with Contributors, or can you run own solo show. Can you even use Blogger to meke ur owm podcast feeds.

Although there are fancier blog tools out there, the mixture of cost (free) and flexibility make the Blogger one of the best deals around. In its further development as a web log called a blog, and began to add various facilities such as visitors can leave comments, there are syndicated using RSS feeds and so on.

Blogger is a disignation for who write in these blogs. There are written with a double (gg) -->> Blogger, there is also the only one who wrote it (g) -->> Bloger. Both have the same meaning. Terms someone can become a blogger only one : can write! Problem technologies for blogging, there are many options on the internet, and meny services that provide a place to write a blog for free, like wordpress and blogspot.

There are expert "telematics" who thinks that bloggers have more technical abilities and even equating bloggers with hackers. This of course only shows how inappropriate such person is called as an expert, because the main capabilities that bloggers only write. Now. in communities all bloggers who are writers, there are some who do have more technical skills, there are some who prefer to write a work of art, there are some who like to write with a style journalist and so on, but its wrong to assume that bloggers have the technical capability above average. So more and more humiliating when the same expert said that bloggers should act together prevent the "hacker" to the destruction site.

In Short, Bloggers are Human Beings, with average ability, with one difference : Love to write. Do not believe that the bloggers were saying about the technical whiz, the blogger was a hacker, it just shows people actually do not know bloggers.

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